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Saturday, April 18, 2009

Water Balloon Practice

Coach Tony thought he could motivate the kids to practice their throwing skills if he gave them water balloons to throw at him! When Guillermo wanted to participate; Tony threatened to make him walk home. Guillermo promptly recieved no less than 5 invitations for a ride to his mom's house :-) A good time was had by all.

Team huddle
Team huddle
What's next?
What's next?
Where are the balloons???
Where are the balloons??? close close
yeah baby!!!
yeah baby!!!
Getting pointers
Getting pointers
'we should do this every practice'
'we should do this every practice'
Giullermo gets his dad
Giullermo gets his dad
oh yeah
oh yeah
more balloons!!!
more balloons!!!
free for all
free for all
Let's get him
Let's get him
you're surrounded...
you're surrounded...
who's got the balloons???
who's got the balloons???
who loves baseball...
who loves baseball...
Giullermo and Scotty
Giullermo and Scotty

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