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Thursday, April 30, 2009

ST Joes Spring Sing

Twice a year the kids at St. Joes Elementary are asked to perform for the community. Once at Christmas and once in the spring. They all get up in the Basilica and a story unfolds as each class performs for the whole St. Joseph parish.

The Kindergarten kids sing a song inspired by the Victor Borge quote "A smile is the shortest distance between two people."

Bella asleep on our way to the Spring Sing
Bella asleep on our way to the Spring Sing
Michelangelo and his cups
Michelangelo and his cups
Michelangelo and Olivia
Michelangelo and Olivia
Getting ready set up
Getting ready set up
almost ready...
almost ready...
"The shortest
"The shortest
distance between two friends
distance between two friends
a smile"
a smile"
exit stage left...
exit stage left...

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